Saturday, May 30, 2009

Na na na na na na na na, Na na na na na na na na....


I was reading a friend's blog post the other day and he was talking about getting his own space back.  I wish him luck in this.  I'm one of the lucky guys, in that I have (finally) been granted a space where I can fully display my beer bottle collection, my old swords and knives and other various nick knacks (yes guys can have nick knacks).  The problem is I don't really take care of it the way it deserves.

The washer and drier are in the same space (although hidden behind a black curtain) and I let that fact spoil the awesomeness that could be my Man Cave.  But no more!  Sean has inspired me once again claim what was (so generously (love you Babe!)) given to me and let it be a glorious testament to one of my favorite vices.

Speaking of favorite vices.  Alabama has passed the Gourmet Beer Law (thanks to the good folks at Free the Hops) that allows the sale of beers with a higher alcohol content.  What that means is that I will finally have local access to some of the micro brews and European brews that were denied me because of silly post prohibition era hand wringing.  The beer bottle collection pictured above (behind the laundry basket) contains about a hundred unique bottles whose contents have all been personally consumed.  I plan on cataloging the collection and posting it here so all you good people in other parts of the world can see what I'm missing and fill in the holes.  Send me a beer!

On that happy note....Cheers!



  1. Whoa Fro, is that a Yuengling Black and Tan bottle I see in the back there? One of my personal favorites.

  2. I had a beer the other day that made me think of you. I'll have to grab a few more for your collection. It was called HeBrews-The Chosen Beer. Bottle says it brewes with Schmaltz! Ha!

  3. Well I was asked again last night to get a list of the collection up so people (and I) know exactly what I have.

    And yes, that is a Yuegling Black and Tan back there. Good beer, but the bottle is just so, so.
