Friday, May 29, 2009

I want to be a better Dad...

Not that I think I'm a bad one now, but there is always room for improvement.  The trouble is, one way I want to improve my parenting is running headlong into not only conventional wisdom but the comfort level of my wife.

I came across a concept called Free Range Kids that perfectly articulates something I felt but didn't really have the education and awareness to implement.  The concept is that we, as parents, not only can but SHOULD let our kids have the same kinds of freedoms and responsibilities we had as children.  Not every stranger is a danger and not every risk needs to be avoided.  The benefit of this parenting style is two fold.  One, parents can relax a bit and not worry because you don't have eyes on your children every instant, thus gaining some time for themselves.  Two, and much more importantly, we teach our kids to rely on themselves, develop and trust their instincts and live a childhood full of adventure.

Here's the rub.  I've bought into this.  I want to give my kids these skills and let them practice them.  However, I'm running into resistance from The Mrs.  I know she wants the best for the kids and she gets plenty of ammunition for being worried from the news.  The Nancy Grace's of the world have poisoned her outlook into seeing every one as a potential abductor ready to snatch up the children as soon as they walk around the corner.

But I'm going to forge ahead anyhow.  Starting tomorrow the kids are going to get an education in how to handle themselves in the big wide world.  Knowing how to cross busy streets, making sure they know how to contact us, knowing who to go and ask for help if they get lost or feel uncomfortable.  I may not be able to let them be Free Range Kids, but I'll work toward Free-er Range Kids.


Note: If you're a parent you really ought to check out the link and get to know Lenore Skenazy. 

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