Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random Thought

The world is made of matchsticks but America won't burn.

I couldn't sleep last night. I think it must be from stress. It looks very likely that the company I work for will close and I'll be out of a job again.

Anyhow, while I was laying in bed not sleeping I was thinking about the issue of flag burning and how I would protest a law banning it (I don't know why, maybe it had something to do with seeing the protests in Iran). While I was deciding if it would make a bigger impact to burn a flag on public or private property, the above phrase popped into my head. I don't think I've heard it anywhere before so I wanted to put it someplace so I don't lose it. Maybe I'll use it in the future if I need to write an essay about freedom of expression or flag burning in particular.


Edit: 06.24.09

One more thing...I have two band names I'm going to use in Rock Band: "Secular Taliban" and "Wolves of Self Reliance."

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